Saturday, October 19, 2013


We used to get in these fights.
“I cooked,” you’d say.
“So you have to clean.”
I never saw that as fair.
You got to have all the fun,
Spraying the kitchen with Rooster Sauce
And I got the clean up.

Which is why it makes sense that you left.
“Leave me alone,” you say.
“I’m studying.”
You got to sleep in my bed
And forgo paying rent
And take bites of my heart
And I got the clean up.

Now, I order men like take out
And when I’m finished, it’s easy;
There’s no clean up at all.
You just toss out the empty containers.
There’s no dishes to wash 
Or pans to scour
Just his pants on my kitchen floor.


  1. I discovered your writing on The Thought Catalog and ended up here because your writing stirred up so many emotions and resonated on so many emotions.
    I found this piece hauntingly beautiful. It left me feeling empty, made me feel your emotions.
    Please continue writing.

  2. Thank you so much Akanksha! I'm so glad you enjoy my stuff, it really means a lot.
