Falling out of love is quite enough to make a person sick, to ruin their liver, to shrink their waistband and interrupt any chance of a sleep pattern. It is a horrible, wretched feeling that begins in your stomach before it can creep all the way up to your heart. The absence of happy butterflies flitting about above your abdomen causes a sort of concaving to occur around your middle. Most mistake this feeling for common anxiety, but it is far more powerful than that. It squeezes the life out of your internal organs, until you feel oddly lopsided and deflated, as well as shockingly empty. Your heart will not break until much later, when you are eating un-purchased chocolates in aisle thirteen of Vons, casually gorging yourself while telling your best friend that you are absolutely fine. It is in that moment that you realize that you want your mother and your drug dealer in the same room for the first time in your life, as both perform their nurturing duties for you simultaneously.
There are far too many things in life that you become incapable of handling the moment you are told that you are no longer loved or wanted by someone you care about very much. Bathing regularly quickly becomes one of them, and touching up your roots completely falls to the wayside. Shoes that match your panty hose are another problem, as is remembering to do your Calculus homework for summer school. You seem to forget quite frequently that you are no longer supposed to send your ex charming text messages in the morning, quirky jokes and pictures mid-afternoon, and drunken fragments of sentences when the bars get out at two am. All of the weight you swore up and down that you would lose for him suddenly slips off of your frame effortlessly, if you consider spending hours bent retching and coughing in front of the liquor store “effortless.”
Hearing his voice on the other end of the phone becomes a maddening chore, where it was once a pleasant ritual. Never do you come out on top of a conversation with someone who has just broken your heart. These talks always start off well, crescendo, and dive, crashing into the earth and shattering all hopes of any future un-screened phone calls.
“Oh, uh, hi, hey what’s up, how have you been?”
“Whitney, its been five days.”
“I know. I was just calling because I um, you know, was in your neighborhood, I mean, the neighborhood, not necessarily yours, I’m not like, stalking you or anything, I just, um, well, you live a few freeway exits away from my brother and…”
“Your brother lives six exits away. How did you get this number?”
“Well, anyways, I just wanted to see if maybe we could, you know, grab a coffee, and talk, maybe, say, Wednesday?”
“Whitney, I’ve told you eleven times. We are not dating anymore. Please move on. You’re starting to embarrass yourself.”
“Ah...I can see that I’ve caught you at a bad time. I should probably let you go. Its just that I miss you and we were in love two weeks ago and I’m really not sure how this all happened, and...oh, god, please don’t hang up on me…”
You hang up the phone feeling like a complete loser, a failure of life, the universe, love, and everything else. It seems you cannot sink much lower into the abyss of shamefulness and depravity that seems to be cradling your fragile soul. Buying a cat and living the rest of your life as an imitation of Holly Golightly seems quite attainable, so you slip into that black dress that now hangs loosely off your emaciated ribcage, pour yourself another glass of whiskey, and tell yourself that you are a wild thing who cannot be tamed for love. In reality, you are simply another fool who fell, and now, you must face the consequences.
All characters appearing in this work are fictitious. Any resemblance to real persons, living or dead, is purely coincidental.
Allow me to introduce myself. The name is Jack.
ReplyDeleteyou made me into another fool who fell, and then abandoned me when I really needed you. I still dont know whether I miss you or hate you, but I know not to take what I have for granted now. And I know that when you're in love, (or at least care about someone deeply) and you watch that person falling away from you, the phone that goes straight to voicemail every time, the friends who pick up and say "she doesn't want to talk to you" when all you want is to apologize and hope you can still maintain a friendship. The nights spent wondering how you could have put so much love into one person and watch it be soaked up like a sponge, only to have it squeezed out into the sink like spilled orange juice.
But at least I can be glad that we can share the same singe in the bottom of our bellies, because the dose is never more rancid than when youre taking a spoonful of your own dimetapp.
i believe love is a game in which everyone loses. if you stick around in a bad situation, you look like a fool, and if you leave, you look like an asshole. i have found that whiskey helps best. i am sorry. i know what its like to fall in love with the one person you feel that you are supposed to be with, only to find that they do not reciprocate, and your one shot at something beautiful is gone. i cannot wish for you to find what you are looking for, because it seems that you already have, and that it was me. i have found what i was looking for in so many places that i feel as though the universe has run out of chances for me to be happy. oh well, at least it has given me endless material to write about. my only advice would be to harness your hatred and feelings of abandonment into something that will better you as a person. i may not be happy, but i am damn good with a pen.
ReplyDeletein our game of love, all you lost was a friend.
ReplyDeletebut probably gained a great drinking buddy.
ReplyDelete...so Jack, care to reveal your true identity, or are you going to make me guess? Because I'm 99% sure only one person would write about dimetapp.
ReplyDeleteRegardless, I feel as though you are out of line completely in your attempt to make me feel bad for hurting you...whatever happened occurred several years ago, and it is not fair for you to continue to blame me for something that I no longer have any control over. I am not even sure what it is you want me to do at this point. I have apologized countless times, and I do not know what else to say. We were not meant to be friends, we were not meant to be lovers, and obviously whatever friendship or relationship we possessed did not work for either of our benefit. We were both just hurt by this ordeal, and it is clear that neither of us needs that type of negative energy in our lives. I implore you to release any leftover negative energy you have been harboring about me, because I can assure you that it is not worth it.
ReplyDeletemy intention was not to blame you or make you feel bad, but to tell you how I feel. my "negative energy" is that you were my first love, who used to tell me you could not live without me. Yet once we graduated high school, you cut off all contact and began seeing someone else. All I wanted was to apologize for how I wronged you, remain friends and remember some good times, but you had shiny new love to tend to, leaving the tattered, old one in the road with a box of letters full of lies and broken promises. It's funny that you say we were not meant to be friends or lovers, I cant imagine you looking me in the eyes and saying that.
ReplyDeleteanyways, you're right in some way. there is nothing to be done about it now, but Im glad i expressed myself to you in some way. there were so many things i had left to say to you when you were already gone, and I needed to get them out somehow. I dont wish for you to be friends with me anymore, you have proven what kind of friend you are. but I do wish that you are happy and healthy, that you achieve what you want in life, and that you can sleep at night.
Instead of continuing to argue with me on Facebook, my blog site, e-mails, etc...why dont you just call me when I get back to the United States in July? I'm currently living in Madrid, so any kind of immanent conversation would be impossible, but I would really like to stop arguing with you about this.
ReplyDeleteMy number is 805 916 9625. I promise I will pick up.
But in the meantime, I will be sleeping very well at night, thank you. I realized a long time ago what you want for me. You want me to be the bad guy, so here I am. You're right. I'm a cheater and a liar and a whore. I'm a bad friend, a bad girlfriend, a bad ex-girlfriend, a poor lover, a dirty skank. I'm sorry that I havent been a good friend to you. I'm sorry that I've never been able to be who you wanted me to be. I have failed you as a person, and this is something that I have been realizing every day since my seventeenth birthday in 2008. You're always right, even when we aren't dating anymore, I still cant win.
Please go read the blog entry entitled "Ma'i." If you haven't guessed, it is about you, it is about happier times.
I would really like to reach a place where both of us can be happy. Despite what you think, I dont want you to feel unsettled or unhappy about our relationship or friendship, so please feel free to give me a call and talk to me about it when I get home from my adventures in Madrid.
i never wanted you to be the bad guy. all i wanted was a chance to apologize and a little inkling of proof that the time we spent together meant something to you. I've been dreaming about the past more than i've wanted to, and its those dreams that prompt me to write some pithy message on your blog, after a night full of cruel memories from past mistakes are broken by the coarse sun's rays. I called you a few months back and left a message. no answer, no response. truly, I dont blame you for not picking up. you're probably doing too much that makes you happy to want to think about something from way back when. as far as winning goes, its not about being right. it seems like its about who can keep walking and never look back, so i suppose im losing.
ReplyDeleteI never got a phone call or a message, and I guarantee that I would have answered. I'm sorry that you're still haunted by ghostly memories...it reminds me of that line from Gatsby that I like so much. But I'm nobody's Daisy. And you should fight being Jay as much as possible if it means moving on and being happier.
ReplyDeleteI don't feel that our time together was meaningless. I learned a lot from you. Mostly, I learned how not to behave in public, but I learned some positive things as well. And I know how it feels to look back. I'm Jay Gatsby to someone else who I'm pretty sure will never speak to me again, which is why I want to extend some kindness to you. I know how it feels to look up at the glow in the dark stars on your ceiling and just feel nothing anymore. I know how it feels to fight the urge to call that person, tell them that you're sorry, you fucked up, you're so sorry, you'd spend the rest of your life making it up to them if they would just try to put everything back the way it was. I know how it feels to barter with the devil, to run out of pieces of your soul to trade and to learn to start praying instead. I know what its like to be selfish and impulsive and fucked up and scared. Scared that you're never going to find anything as good again, because you've looked for it for four years in college, and if you haven't found it by now, then when? I know how it feels to have another lover murmur sweet nothings in your ear, and all you can think of is, "Did I pick up my clothes from the dry cleaner today?" Because you really don't care about anyone or anything else anymore. I know how it feels to have your soul rot and turn black and fall off like a smashed toenail.
So please let me know if there is anything I can do to help. I would love to make you feel better about this if there is any way that I can. Don't hesitate to call me if you need anything, dear friend. I wish you the best, and as always, I am sorry.
"Almost five years! There must have been moments even that afternoon when Daisy tumbled short of his dreams – not through her own fault, but because of the colossal vitality of his illusion. It had gone beyond her, beyond everything. He had thrown himself into it with a creative passion, adding to it all the time, decking it out with every bright feather that drifted his way. No amount of fire or freshness can challenge what a man will store up in his ghostly heart."
ReplyDeletethank you for those kind words. It means a lot to me that you would extend your condolences to me like that after all this time. However, i really do feel sometimes that our relationship didnt mean much to you. I gave my heart to you, which i have never done with anyone else, and after making countless stupid mistakes that hurt you, I tried to apologize and start fresh, but it was too late. Yet, we were still in contact with each other and i felt like you toyed with my mind, promising to see me and then never doing so, and a week before i left for college I found out you were in a relationship with the one person who I told everything about our relationship to. Since then, you havent had any thought towards catching up with me except for when I pestered you to reconnect since I had missed you so much. Going through that had shown me that if two people are good friends and lovers, they dont just drop off the face of the earth.
ReplyDeletethat being said, I forgive you and I understand why you did what you did. I had no intention of guilt tripping you about this, I just wanted to express my feelings. I'm in LA until sunday, if you want to get together and have lunch, call me.
oh i forgot, my spring break is before every other schools. either way, have a good one.
ReplyDeleteWho is this about?
ReplyDeleteWhy do you ask?
ReplyDeleteI don't know you I'm Just curious about who is all. I'm a writer myself... Names just make me understand and grasp things more. Don't ask why, Haha.
ReplyDeleteOh! I'm so sorry. My mistake. I thought you were someone else...I've been having a conversation on this post with another "Anonymous" for over a year now.
ReplyDeleteThank you for being interested in my writing! This is about this guy I used to date a few years ago named James. The post titled "Twice" is also about him. We had been dating for a year when I started this blog in 2010, and he was the influence of several of my posts.
If you have a blog, I'd love to check out your writing!
Oh so most your things are about him, "Love wise" ? He seemed to have liked you alot/ was a confusing situation. I read your other things I just assumed james was a cover up name. I'm assuming that's him talking up there in your posts. Well besides the fact you express yourself magically !
ReplyDeleteSadly I don't have a blog just a note pad and pencil that I don't have the guts to post up,Heh.
ReplyDeleteAlso curious in who the "coyote" is in your other story. I'm a wierdo with wanting to know names. It helps me understand for reasons unknown, I feel names gives them more of a personality...Or I'm just crazy. Yes, That's probably it :)
Not all of my writing is about love. It's all autobiographical, so I write about whatever I'm doing at the time If I happen to be in a relationship, I write about that. If I'm traveling, I write about that. It's nice to put your scattered thoughts onto paper. I find that it helps me keep track of things better.
ReplyDeleteThe Ma'i story was written about a guy named Noah. Foolish, Fairytale, and Twice were about James.
And thank you for reading my stuff, I really appreciate your support for my work!